- 根据中国管道建设的焊接要求,极大的提高了焊接性能
- According to the welding requirements of Chinese pipeline construction, the welding performance has been greatly improved
- 节能装置的自动启停功能,怠速电磁阀降低油耗
- The automatic start stop function of energy-saving devices and the idle solenoid valve reduce fuel consumption
- 具有单把焊接和双把同时焊接互不干扰的功能
- It has the function of non-interference between single and double welding simultaneously

HW320DS | 发动机焊机
产品参数 | |
额定功率 | 8.7kW |
额定电流 | 280A/115A×2 |
额定电压 | 31.2V |
空载电压 | 75V |
额定使用率 | 50% |
电流范围 | (40~300)A/(45~155)A×2 |
辅助电源额定功率 | 10kW |
辅助电源额定电压 | AC380V |
发动机输出功率 | 19.09HP |
发动机额定转速 | 3000rpm |
冷却方式 | 水冷 |
燃料 | 柴油 |
油箱容量 | 37L |
焊机外形尺寸 | 1300mm*710mm*803mm(L*W*H) |
焊机重量 | 410kg |